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Monday, January 7, 2008

Lia is 3 Months Old!

Lia enjoying some tummy time. She likes to look in the mirror, stick her tongue out, and take baby steps on her legs. She is starting to get more use of her hands. The other night she grabbed her binky and threw it over her head. She is also moving around a lot more. We have to strap her in the chair or she would just kick and slide off.

I went back to work on Jan. 2 so Lia started daycare on the same day. Granted, this is not the ideal time because it's just after the holidays and she got off her routine when we were traveling. But my 12 weeks maternity leave is up and I have to go back. And now we are throwing her into a whole new routine. I am happy to say, though, she is adjusting well. Her evening routine has not been disrupted and she continues to eat and sleep well. The people there are really nice and I think it will work out fine.

Lia hitting the books.

Lia hitting the gym.

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