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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Lia's Birth Story

Lia's entrance into the world began on Saturday October 6, 2007 at 1:30am as my contractions began. They were not painful but rather felt like menstrual cramps. They were about half hour apart and I was able to sleep in between. By 4:30am I told Rich I was having contractions. They were gradually getting stronger but still pretty tolerable.

The Long Day

The contractions continued on as the day went. We were timing them every now and then, knowing that once the "five-minute" interval hits we could head to the hospital. I called Karen to let her know what was happening and we kept in touch throughout the day of my progress. Even though contractions were getting stronger, I made efforts to move around the house, by lying in various positions, walking and rocking on the birth ball. Side-lying was the most uncomfortable. I also tried to eat small snacks such as soup, crackers and fruit. I even got on all fours to attempt to rotate the baby into good position. I had to hold that pose for half an hour. That was incredibly uncomfortable!

Rich and I had decided on a natural birth approach. We even drafted a birth plan and hired a doula. So much of what I have read gave thumbs down to epidurals and c-sections. We truly believed this was an experience that my body was designed to do.

Throughout the day my contractions were between 6 and 12 minutes apart. It was frustrating to wait and wait. Late in the evening I wanted to go to the hospital. I didn't think I could last another night at home. When I lay down something felt like my water broke. Amen! That was the sign we were looking for. So, at 11:30pm, we were off to Beaumont.

Once in triage it was discovered that I was 4 cm dilated/90% effaced, which by definition put me at Active Labor stage and so they decided to admit me. However, my water hasn't broken yet. Still, I was happy that things were finally moving along. We called Karen and she met us shortly after.

The Long Night

More contractions. Nurses came and went. Karen and Rich helped me walk, shower, get into comfortable positions. The contractions now were very intense and I had to pull out all my breathing techniques just to get through them. The back pain was really killing me!

Turning the Corner

By Sunday afternoon things still have not progressed much. I was only at 5 or 6 cm dilation and my water still has not broken. I now have been laboring for 37 hours un-medicated. Dr. Ida, a resident who works with Dr. Rehm, came to tell me they could break the water for me and that would help speed things along. But that also meant the contractions would get even stronger. I knew that after all these hours I just could not deal with more pain. I also felt like by now I had absolutely no strength to push. So I asked for the epidural. After that was given, I felt so much better and grateful for the instant relief. They let me sleep for three hours after which my dilation reached 9 cm. I was well on my way to be done with this!

Not So Fast

At 5:30pm I was at 10 cm and "given permission" to push. So I did along with the contractions. The baby was at zero station. I have never felt so physically challenged in my life. I was in control but not really at the same time.

Two hours of pushing went by. I didn't even realize it was that long. Dr. Rehm showed up and said I have made no progress. The baby was still at zero station. She was stuck in a transverse position. The only option left was c-section.

The Finale

I have never had surgery in my life. But I didn't feel any fear. By now I just desperately wanted this to be over, knowing my options were really limited. All of a sudden there were about 6-8 people around me, prepping me for surgery. It all happened quickly but I was very calm. Rich had to put on a "space suit" and then he was next to me in a few minutes. It was all kind of like a dream with all these bright lights in the OR.

It wasn't long before I heard the first cry of my baby. I was elated and broke into a smile. After they cleaned her up and brought her to us we couldn't have been happier. Rich said "She looks like a Lia."

Lia Jiamin was born at 8:15pm on Sunday October 7, about 43 hours after I first went into labor. She weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measured 20.5 inches.


Lia threw us a curve ball. The birth plan went out the window. But we did the best we could with no regrets.

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