Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lia Sings, Part II

This is a quick one. She sure is funny!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh yeah... and the teeth

Rich keeps asking me whether I have posted Lia's picture with her teeth, so here it is. These emerged right around six months.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kid-Safe Chemicals Act

The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act was introduced in Congress last week. The law would require companies to prove that their chemicals are safe before putting them in the market. To learn more, go to

EWG (Environmental Working Group) publishes a database of skincare and cosmetics products, including baby products, with analysis of their ingredients. You can find out how "toxic" your everyday products are. I always refer to it before buying a new product.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Does She Know Her Name?

At this age babies are supposed to recognize their name. But if we have been calling Lia a dozen different nicknames since birth, how does she know what her real name is? Lately, I have made a conscious effort to call her "Lia" or "Lee-lee." A long list of her nicknames include: Bubbaz, Bubba-loo, Bubz, Lulu-bird, Lia-loo, Peanut, Toot-toot pants...

Her feet are her favorite toys. Always ready and delicious!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bath Tub Bunny

We moved Lia to the big bathroom so she can splash. Toys are introduced.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Goodbye to the Swinstons

The Swinstons were in town last weekend to say farewell before they move to Hong Kong this July. The Wilsons hosted the party at their new home. We also celebrated Beatriz' first birthday.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome Summer!!!

It's been over a month since my last post. I have no excuse other than that I've been busy with other things. I've been really busy at work lately. It's good in that the day goes really fast. At the same time, the stress level rises. I feel it there is no end in sight. At some point, I ponder about whether I should work at all. Should I scale it down and work part time, or freelance? So far I have not had to bring work home with me, and I am still keeping reasonable hours.

But at last, SUMMER is here! This past winter just has been so miserable that we are brewing with excitement of the idea of SUNSHINE, WARM AIR and GOING OUTSIDE. Speaking of outside, I am just having the worst allergies ever. I have never had allergies. But the past two weeks, every other day, my nose is stuffed up. Lia is getting it too. She is now in her 4th week of coughing. This week it got worse coupled with a runny nose. I took her to the doc and she said it's likely allergies. She does not think it's a virus. All that rattled breathing and coughs bother me more than her.

I took her to Gymboree today. I had a free pass and wanted to try it on my day off. I think she had a good time. I know I got a good workout. I am unsure about enrolling her though (it is $68/month). Maybe we'll just go to the open gym sometimes. She was so zonked out she has been napping for 2+ hours now. That alone is worth it!

Lia weighs 18 lbs and is getting ready to crawl. She hoists herself up on all fours and kinda waits. We have done nothing as far as houseproofing. That will be interesting. Now that she is older and becoming very aware and curious of her surroundings I want to make sure she gets enough stimulation.