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Sunday, February 10, 2008

CIO: The Controversy

There is perhaps no greater controversial topic in parenting circles then the manner in which one puts one's baby to sleep at night. Whether they choose CIO (crying it out), Family Bed, or something in between, there are enough arguments on both sides to escalate and defend the debate.

This recent Nightline segment addresses the topic but offers no new insight.

My view: since I'm a full-time working mom, I don't get a lot of hours with Lia during the day. Therefore I am HAPPY to make the night-time hours count and get some bonding in. And besides, how could I let a face like this cry alone in the dark???

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lia is 4 Months Old!

Our little munchkin turns 4 months today. She now weighs 13 lb. 8 oz (50th percentile) and measures 25.5 inches (90th percentile).

She now takes interest in the world around her. It was surely amusing when she first made contact with the cat. She broke into a big smile when he looked at her. And since then she has tried to touch him.

Is there such a thing as cat-riding?

Lia has rolled over about 2 weeks ago. She loves her activity gym.

On the down side, Lia has developed diaper rash. Her bottom looks like a bad sunburn. The course of events is this: cold==>ear infection==>antibiotics==>diarhea==>diaper rash. So obviously, with this type of domino effect, I hope she doesn't get another cold anytime soon. I also seriously hope this doesn't lead to thrush as well.